Products from Stellar

Stellar - so that all your data is preserved
If you take a closer look at current developments, you will usually notice very quickly that priorities are clearly shifting in the direction of technology. It doesn't matter whether in private life or professionally, every citizen is dependent on technology and its functionality in this day and age. Especially important is the aspect of communication, which accompanies us day after day, both in real life and on the World Wide Web. Programs like Stellar Outlook Repair 11 are becoming more and more important, which is why similar programs are almost flooding the market. But why is this the case? What is the need to buy software from Stellar in the first place and what exactly is it for?
Data loss can have significant consequences
As you have already realized, almost everything in our modern lives revolves around one thing: data. Data can make businesses successful or drive them to the brink of ruin. Data is information, and information is a valuable currency, especially in professional life. Even small, seemingly insignificant aspects matter. To understand this and to see in hindsight why an investment in programs like Stellar Outlook Repair 11 is worthwhile, imagine the following situation: Today you also have an important task to complete in the office.
Maybe you are coordinating different business units of your company, planning appointments or just taking care of personnel matters. Either way, you depend on Outlook, your e-mail service of choice, to get the job done. You need to be and remain accessible at all times. Since you're working with people from all over the world, it's incredibly important to maintain communication. Since that can't always happen via video conferencing or phone calls, you need to be able to rely on your email service to work. In addition, you use Outlook, with all its stored emails, as an information database. After all, all important mails are stored so that you can reread them and understand the content if the worst comes to the worst - you can't remember everything.
Modern technology is reliable these days, but unfortunately it is by no means infallible. Even Outlook, your usually reliable email service, is unfortunately affected by an error this time. You check your inbox as well as all your folders and are horrified to discover that all your mails have been deleted. Your contacts, notes, attachments and journals have also disappeared. In plain words, you are looking at an empty mailbox and thus you have lost the possibility of uncomplicated communication with business partners from all over the world, at least for the time being.
How can Stellar Outlook Repair 11 help?
What may sound like the corporate end of the world at the first moment doesn't have to be a disaster if you are well prepared. In fact, Stellar Outlook Repair can help you recover all the lost files. The software is capable of fixing errors, repairing damaged files and recovering deleted items.
Microsoft Outlook stores emails, notes, contacts and all customized folders in .pst format. If any of these files are corrupted, it is not a problem for Stellar Outlook PST Repair. The tool scans the damaged file extensively to check what error is present and how to recover the data on it. Once the data is recovered, it is saved on a new, functional .pst file. But not only damaged files are part of the expertise of this reliable and straightforward software. Even when data has already been completely deleted, it can be recovered. You have read correctly: Even if the emails have already been removed from the Deleted Messages folder, they are not completely lost. Stellar Outlook Repair manages to recover even these emails, including attachments, of course.
What data can the tool recover?
This question has a relatively simple answer: Basically, the tool can recover all data that was stored in Outlook. This includes:
- Emails including attachments
- Calendar including entered data
- Contacts
- All entered notes
- All executed and saved activities
- Diary entries
- All drafts, whether already sent or not
So you see, with the help of Stellar Outlook Repair, even a temporary data loss is not the end of the world. For this reason, investing in this software is definitely worth it, whether for personal or professional use. You'd rather be prepared for all eventualities than have to suffer annoying data loss if the worst happens.