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Malwarebytes Premium 2022 | for MAC
Malwarebytes Premium 2022 | for MAC
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  • £31.41 * £35.99 *
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    Malwarebytes Premium 2022 | for Windows
    Malwarebytes Premium 2022 | for Windows
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  • From £31.41 * £35.99 *
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    Products from Malwarebytes Inc.

    Malwarebytes Inc.

    Malwarebytes antivirus - for your safety on the net

    Malwarebytes Inc. is a software company from California, whose specialty is clearly the development of anti-virus software. If you want to buy software from Malwarebytes, the best choices are Malwarebytes Premium for Windows as well as Malwarebytes Premium for MAC, depending on which system you are working on. Basically, the software works on MAC, Android and Windows, which is why you don't have to worry much about whether your operating system is compatible with Malwarebytes antivirus . Furthermore, the antivirus programs are suitable for both the professional sector and individuals. Thus, all you have to do is choose a suitable license, which will determine the duration and scope of your protection.

    Is antivirus protection still needed nowadays?

    It is not uncommon to hear the assumption that antivirus programs would hardly be necessary in this day and age. After all, the use of the Internet and private computers is standard, which means that the majority of users should know enough to be protected against possible dangers from the Internet. If you are of the same opinion, we are sorry to disappoint you. While using the Internet is clearly the standard nowadays and people are skilled at it, you should by no means underestimate the risks. Don't forget that day after day, countless data is floating around the Internet, blogs, photos, videos, comments and profiles are shared with people from all over the world, and numerous short message services are used for communication. At the same time, however, such public handling of data also means a certain risk. Organized crime, of course, is also taking advantage of the Internet, as the carelessness of some people is an invitation to misuse sensitive data.

    Cybercriminals regularly devise new, more indirect methods to obtain such data. Gone are the days when malware could only be found in the far corners of the Internet and the risk of a computer virus was correspondingly low. Nowadays, cyber criminals develop deceptively real-looking fake websites that are designed to trick you into typing your login details, for example of your online banking account, into a corresponding column. If you do so, the attackers will get your data and access to the linked account. Alternatively, you may be fooled with a realistic-looking email that tricks you into clicking a link that supposedly takes you to a familiar website or to an appealing offer. Once you have clicked on the link, a very special malware, so-called ransomware, is immediately downloaded onto your computer. After that, either all the data on your computer is encrypted or the entire system is blocked. Next comes the demand to pay a large sum of money to the cyber criminals in order to ransom the data or the entire system. Imagine becoming a victim of such extortion while you are at your work computer, which contains trade secrets and other sensitive data. Either way, you do not have many options in this case, other than paying the demanded amount or rebooting your entire system. Tracking down the people behind this is extremely difficult.

    Now you may ask yourself whether such an incident can be prevented at all. The answer is a resounding yes, with antivirus software like Malwarebytes Premium for Windows and Malwarebytes Premium for MAC. If you are just wondering whether buying software from Malwarebytes is an option for you, first of all it would be useful for you to learn how Malwarebytes antivirus works in the first place to keep you safe from harm.

    Real-time scan

    When you buy software from Malwarebytes, you are usually provided with a so-called real-time scan. This real-time scan is a constant companion, which accompanies you at every turn on the Internet and protects you from possible threats. Remember that fake website that nevertheless looked deceptively real? With a real-time scan, you are not exposed to this danger. If a fake website is detected that is known for malware or is otherwise considered unsafe, among other things, you will be notified on the spot and the corresponding website will be blocked. This way, you won't be tempted to fall into the trap in the first place. The same applies to links that are supposed to download malware to your computer. These are also blocked and all related downloads are canceled. With the real-time scan, you are protected around the clock and can relax about your activities on the Internet.

    Manual scan

    Every good antivirus program usually also has a manually executable scan. In this case, your entire system is scanned and analyzed. The advantage of this is that even if small pieces of malware have somehow made it onto your computer, the manual scan will find and remove them completely. If found, the affected file is moved to a quarantine area. You can then decide what to do with the file. You can run manual scans as often as you wish.

    Shielding against exploit attacks

    Computer systems are extremely diverse and contain just as many software programs that have different structures and security measures. Unfortunately, not every program is equally well protected against exploits or other attacks. In plain terms, this means that certain software programs have vulnerabilities that are particularly targeted by cybercriminals in order to cause the maximum possible damage. A good antivirus program like Malwarebytes Premium for Windows is capable of shielding and protecting these very vulnerabilities against targeted attacks. So, again, you can use any program you want without worrying about taking additional protective measures for the existing vulnerabilities.

    Is it worth buying Malwarebytes?

    If you are now thinking whether buying programs like Malwarebytes Premium for MAC or Windows is a worthwhile investment, this question can be answered with a resounding yes. On the one hand, you will protect all your data, regardless of whether you need the protection in a private or professional environment. On the other hand, when using your favorite program, you can focus entirely on the things that are important to you, since the shield reliably protects you from exploits. Because the antivirus is also suitable for beginners, a clear recommendation can be made.
