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Magix Video Deluxe 2022 | for Windows
Magix Video Deluxe 2022 | for Windows
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  • £53.91 * £107.91 *
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    Magix Video Deluxe 2022 Premium | for Windows
    Magix Video Deluxe 2022 Premium | for Windows
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  • £94.41 * £302.31 *
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    Magix Photostory Deluxe 2022 | for Windows
    Magix Photostory Deluxe 2022 | for Windows
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  • £26.91 * £89.91 *
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    Magix Game Control | for Windows
    Magix Game Control | for Windows
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  • £24.21 * £35.91 *
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    Magix Video Easy | for Windows
    Magix Video Easy | for Windows
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    Vegas Pro 18 | for Windows
    Vegas Pro 18 | for Windows
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  • £449.91 * £809.91 *
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    Vegas Pro 18 Edit | for Windows
    Vegas Pro 18 Edit | for Windows
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  • £287.91 * £449.91 *
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    Vegas Pro 18 Suite | for Windows
    Vegas Pro 18 Suite | for Windows
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  • £539.91 * £728.91 *
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    Magix Video Deluxe Plus 2022 | for Windows
    Magix Video Deluxe Plus 2022 | for Windows
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  • £71.91 * £112.41 *
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    Magix Video Deluxe 2021 | for Windows
    Magix Video Deluxe 2021 | for Windows
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  • £31.41 * £66.51 *
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    Magix Video Deluxe Plus 2021 | for Windows
    Magix Video Deluxe Plus 2021 | for Windows
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  • £38.61 * £112.41 *
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    Magix Video Deluxe 2021 Premium | for Windows
    Magix Video Deluxe 2021 Premium | for Windows
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  • £80.91 * £122.31 *
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    Products from Magix


    Magix - for your personal multimedia center

    Are you also a lover of any multimedia elements? Are you a friend of photo, video and gaming? Would you love to see your home computer transformed into a true multimedia center? If so, then you should take a closer look at the various software solutions from the Magix company. Magix is the name of a world-renowned software company from Berlin, Germany, which is fully dedicated to multimedia software. The focus is on photo, video and music software that can be used by beginners as well as full professionals or in the professional field. A few of the most famous software examples from the eager company include:

    - Magix Video Deluxe
    - Magix Video Deluxe Premium
    - Magix Photostory Deluxe
    - Magix Game Control
    - Magix Video Easy
    - Magix Video Deluxe Plus

    It is easy to see which areas the Berlin-based company focuses on the most. There is also no denying the high quality of the individual programs. If you have now come up with the idea of turning your home computer into a multimedia center, you should first understand what functions and tools you get at hand with software from Magix. For this reason, you will find a few examples in the following sections, so that you can decide afterwards which software is most suitable for you.

    Magix Video Deluxe

    Magix Video Deluxe, Magix Video Deluxe Premium and Magix Video Deluxe Plus, are different licenses of the same program structure. In fact, one would like to think that this software is perhaps the most feature-rich video editing program on the market. About 900 effects, templates, fades and titles are at your free disposal, so you can get exactly the final result you've always wanted. Once you have purchased a license, such as Magix Video Deluxe Premium or Magix Video Deluxe Plus, you'll be able to cut, design and correct possible errors in all videos in a straightforward way. Numerous additional effects serve as refinements for any project that particularly appeals to your creativity.

    Reliable image stabilization lets even shaky images become a small masterpiece. Forget about headaches caused by severely blurred images, with the help of this software fuzzy, blurred or shaky amateur shots are a thing of the past. You can also change the color of the video as you like. You can freely decide whether you just want to change the natural colors a bit or create a completely new work of art out of it. Special effects such as slow motion or fast motion are also possible, so you can create a special effect for your enthusiastic viewers.

    Magix Photostory Deluxe

    If you are more of a fan of image editing, slideshows and detailed portraits, then you have come to the right software in Magix Photostory Deluxe. With the help of this program, you can create impressive slideshows that can be accompanied by suitable music.

    A great advantage of this software is the really uncomplicated operation. Perhaps you know it: Actually, you have nothing else planned than to create a small slideshow for a family celebration, a wedding, a birthday or any other celebration. However, all the programs you could use for this are equipped with an incredible number of features, complicated user interfaces and a confusing layout. You may not even have several tracks at your disposal that you can use freely. It's not uncommon for you to quickly lose the desire to create a slideshow, right? But with the help of this software, things are different, because a confusing layout or complicated user interfaces are not part of the repertoire here. Right from the start, you'll have eight tracks at your disposal, which you're free to use. You'll be able to insert your photos with just a few mouse clicks, since you'll do this via drag-and-drop.

    Furthermore, it is of course possible for you to make the images impressive with the help of various special effects, correct errors and optimize the overall look of your photographs.

    Magix Video Easy

    Are you interested in video editing, but you don't have any experience in this field and don't trust yourself to use comprehensive programs? Of course, this is not a problem either, because Magix Video Easy takes you by the hand and offers you the optimal software solution for beginners in the field of video editing. This is a very beginner-friendly program that is tailored exactly to their needs.

    Make use of numerous, uncomplicated tools that will slowly introduce you to the basics of video editing. Whether it's the length of the video, the coloring or small sources of errors that need to be corrected, it doesn't matter. Furthermore, the program immediately provides you with a few templates that you can use as examples or for practice. The goal of this software is to allow you to edit and optimize your personal video in an uncomplicated way.

    Magix Game Control

    A bit more specialized, but by no means unpopular, comes Magix Game Control. As the name suggests, it's all about one of the most popular hobbies at the moment: gaming. As games have become more and more powerful over the last few years, the demands on hardware and software have naturally increased as well. In order for a game to run smoothly and without stuttering, it is often no longer enough to bring along a certain amount of basic performance. This is exactly where the software comes in and checks which aspects of the computer negatively affect the performance of the gaming session.

    In doing so, Game Control starts at many points that you might not be aware of: It's not uncommon for a computer's energy-saving options to reduce its performance considerably and thus also worsen the gaming experience. Also, numerous background programs can be responsible for the session not running as desired. Or a game may not have received the necessary updates for a variety of reasons. Game Control from Magix scours the system for such sources of interference and corrects them completely.

    Of course, other functions are also available, such as the so-called "screen capturing". With the help of this function, you can take simple screenshots as well as videos of your gaming session and save them quickly. In addition, the program has a straightforward layout and a quick-to-use interface, so that it can be used quickly in the heat of the moment or session.

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